Tuesday, July 27, 2004

more deforestation woes...

I was reading up some more about the Amazon and noticed some more articles about factors that lead to further deforestation and realized how we've really gotten ourselves into quite a pickle. Fires in the Amazon are accelerating the rate of deforestation and contributing to higher temperatures, less rainfall, and even high levels of pollution. Also, with the burning of forests, the land becomes "savannized," unable to process as much CO and CO2 as before, thereby reducing the ecosystems that make our planet safe to breathe on. Some of the fires are natural and simply add balance to nature by allowing plants and animals to live later; it's just a natural part of the cylce. However, others are not started by humans and we simply cannot afford to destroy as much forest as we do because we're having enough trouble with greenhouse gases as it is. Have we no respect for Gaia?


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